Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Think Before You Say No.

So yesterday, I ask my big sis for a huge favor, and of course today she turned me down. I asked this same huge favor from a friend of mine, though she had her concerns, she had no problem in helping me. This of course bothered me, and generated some thoughts to flow in my head. So I thought I'll share them with the world.

Two Kinds of People 
There are to kinds of people in this world. Those that are selfless and those that are selfish. Truthfully, I believe it's human nature that all beings are born to be selfish to some small degree. We all have that, what's in it for me factor in our character. Some of us however, life has taught us to be cold heartily selffish, to always seek opportunties that will only allow us to gain more money. more status, or more power. While the rest of us, like myself, were born with a heart that causes us grief when we have no control in helping our neighbors when they're need. 

But what these selfish people don't understand or don't care to understand is that, the more people we help the more we put one self in a better position to gain more money, more wealth, more influence, and more power; where people actually likes for who we are and not despise our character and our standing in life. 

So I ask my fellow people, who are you? Do you tend to be more selfish or selfless? And if so, would you rather have people straight up dislike you, hate you guts, wish you was dead, wish you died when you were a baby, you get my drift. Or absolutey love you, admire you, wish they could be more like you, and have no problem in supporting you reach that the level of status, wealth, or power that you so long for?

S. Artie 