Saturday, August 20, 2011

To The Person That Must Stop

EVER COME ACROSS A stop SIGN ? I'm sure the average person has. Doesn't it waste your time having to stop when no one's coming? I WONDER when are WE going to have a system that let us have more time to spend. Imagine the time we will get if we had a continous way of driving on the roads  If you wanted to stop somewhere,  your the system will put your car in the right lane thats stopping or something like that. I hope you guys get what I'm trying to say.

I say let us change it, that INCLUDES YOU TOO. Let us gain the knowledge  to see if it's feasible, then the knowledge to create it. Let us make better systems that really improves our live by allowing us more time to spend with our  families and friends, more time for employees to work, and less car accidents deaths. If it means going to get a degree in a  complex field like Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics LET IT BE!